About Us
About Our Site
Our Site is by and for women, girls (aged 15 years and above), feminine identifying and non-binary people with disability.
Our Site exists because women and girls with disability asked for it. Women with disability themselves have been actively involved in every stage of the development of the website.
So far, over 100 women with disability across Australia have directly contributed to Our Site through a Project Steering Committee, an Expert Advisory Panel, workshops, user testing and contributing their personal stories.
If you would like to know more about the contributions of women with disability to Our Site, you can read and download the Our Site Project report in Word, PDF and Easy Read on the WWDA website.
Women with disability and other Our Site users can continue to contribute to the website by providing feedback, contributing stories and participating in the WWDA Facebook community.
Our Site aims to provide information that is accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of disability. You can read more about this on the Accessibility page.
Our Site also celebrates the diversity and experiences of women with disability by showcasing real personal stories in the Real Stories section.
The development of Our Site was funded through an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building grant from the National Disability Insurance Agency (external link).
Our Site is managed by Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA). If you would like to get in touch, visit the Contact us page.
You can also download a short book About Our Site in Easy English.

We would like to acknowledge and thank all of the amazing women involved in designing and developing Our Site.
In particular, the members of our Quality Review Panel:
Akii, Hannah, Jane, Janel, Kerrie, Monique, Nicole and Patsie.
Our Expert Advisory Panel:
Arlette, Belle, Bridgett, Cheryl, Christina, Cobie, Georgia, Hayley, Jacqui, Jenny, Judy, Kalena, Karen, Kaye, Kerry, Kiara, Jody, Leanne, Leeann, Linda, Lisa, Natasha, Nicole, Raelene, Ricky, Stacey, Stevie, Tammy, Tess, Akii, Hannah, Jane, Janel, Kerrie, Monique and Tully.
And our Project Steering Committee:
Cee, Leah, Leanne, Libbi, Margherita, Merri and Tricia.
Our Site simply wouldn't exist without your ideas, advice, support and creativity. Thank you!
We would also like to acknowledge the WWDA staff who worked on the original Our Site project:
Naomi Thomson – Our Site Project Manager
Heidi La Paglia – Our Site Senior Content Officer
Carolyn Frohmader – WWDA Chief Executive Officer
Jacinta Carlton – WWDA Media and Communications Officer
Sharon Williams – WWDA Office Manager.
About Women With Disabilities Australia
Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) is the peak organisation for all women and girls with disability in Australia. WWDA is run by women with disability, for women and girls with disability. WWDA does research and advocacy work, including writing things like policy submissions, reports for government and media statements.
WWDA has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Any woman with disability, or supporter of women with disability can join WWDA. Membership is free. To find out more visit the WWDA website (external link).
You can also download a short book About WWDA in Easy English.