Leading Through Nature and Photography

Hannah Catt
Digital Photography - Nikon


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The Artist

Hi, my name is Hannah Catt, I was born in Batemans Bay on the South Coast of NSW. I went to school at: Batemans Bay Primary and Moruya High. My Disability is CHARGE Syndrome which includes deafness & Learning Challenges. I lived on property on the river at East Lynne and moved to Nelligen, where I live now, when I was about 10 years old.

I started liking photography at school, but really got into it when I finished school. I also love bike riding, going to the gym, karate, horse riding and cooking. In my family, I have 2 older sister & 2 brother, I live at home in Nelligen. My future ambitions are getting my “Ls” and learning to drive. I currently work at a local café in Nelligen and have a cleaning job. It is my dream to make a living from photography.  

Artist Statement

The artwork that I create is photography. I travel around the south coast NSW area capturing the beautiful beaches, nature, animals, and landscape that I live on. I also love taking photos of family and friends and capturing special moments in life. I capture photos with my support worker who is also passionate about photography. We like to take photos of nature to capture the beauty of where I live.

My photography is a passion and a creative outlet. I like to share my photos on social media and am building a photography business selling them at local cafes for others to enjoy. I want to show that you can put your mind to anything you want to do, regardless of disability and be a leader as a woman with a disability, creating a business from what I love.