October 6, 2021
My Life
Janine Beck

My Life
Janine Beck
A poem about living with epilepsy.
Epilepsy seemed to knock at my door,
Throughout all my growing years,
From aged about four.
There has been much to learn,
This has been for me a great deal of concern
It’s Actions and Attitudes that made me feel low
It’s from these that I am now able to grow.
I learnt as time went by,
To reach for as high as the sky,
It’s through epilepsy life seemed to say “TRY”.
It was cancer that one day I awoke,
My first thought was, this is no joke!
So, much to learn on this subject too,
However, ‘anything’s possible’ – Why feel blue?
Why worry I then thought,
My life was worth more than any money could be bought
It is important when you can believe,
Life becomes the best goal to ever achieve.
So, I had a dream,
I would become a STAR that would shine and beam,
and Travel AFAR.
Life for me is really great,
As now I am feeling in much better shape.
I could show how great “life” can be,
By helping and serving one another,
What a wonderful world this would be,
When we can SHARE, CARE and HELP each other.