April 27, 2020
What I've Learned
Erika Gelzinnis

What I've Learned
Erika Gelzinnis
A poem about Erika's experiences of the mental health system.
Content warning: Includes swearing and experiences of institutional violence.
What have you learned?
Nurse said brightly without context.
What do you mean?
Well, normally you’d be screaming.
I have learned
the System’s f*cked.
I have learned
it’s not that I’m just bad at life,
it’s that people like me do not fit the life you choose.
I have learned
your comfort is worth more
than my safety and freedom.
My way of existing challenges you deeply because it shows how inadequate you are.
I have learned
you refuse to see the irony of a caring institution causing so much harm
in the name of Mental Health
a service that is at supposed to protect us
used to imprison and abuse.
I have learned the rules,
the policies
the multiple mandatory directives that describe a service delivery
I have never received.
I have learned
what I am asking for is nothing more than you are paid to deliver.
I have learned,
what you see is what I get,
if it isn’t in The Record, it didn’t happen.
If it did happen and was recorded but does not make you look good,
it is ignored.
I have learned
simple acts of kindness,
a cup of tea,
a validation,
an opportunity to make a small, unimportant choice
like lights on or off,
can help me remember
I am a human,
with a right to be
respected, safe, free
and able to communicate my opinions about my care and wellness -
without fear of punishment
or refusal of services.